Part 110: Show me that radiance as it brings light to this shadowed land!
-The Hidden True Form-
At this point you're meant to think 'Hooray, teleport maze' and quit the game forever, but for the most part the true towers are straightforward.

'Meager,' she says. 



The towers are also crawling with the two types of smaller archaisms you see here.

The Broken Pieces have chainsaws for privates. The clockworky-looking Guard Minions in the back cast arts, including La Teara.

Show me your moves.

Hmmmm, looks like some sorta computer terminal.

Let's have a look.

This should work.
A Unix system! I know this!

It does seem to be some sort of computer terminal for viewing information. Let's have a look at the contents.
Received Data Crystal 0.

What the heck good is this? It's basically unreadable except for the beginning.

Though...that 'Auslese' bit.

Yes...It is the name of the royal family of Liberl.

This may have been written by someone connected to us.

That's true...

It is possible that there's a connection there.

Yeah, maybe.

Well, it could be useful, so we should take it.
I really hate these ancient green & amber monochrome displays.

These spider archaisms use arts. You can mute them, but they'll just try to melee and you don't want that.

The super-deluxe teleporter and rest point mark the end of the dungeon.

I think so, but...look at it.

So this is what they're hiding on the roofs with these dark barriers.
Man's Voice: Ho ho. That was sprightly.
-The Enforcers-

So you ARE masked weirdo.

Hmmm. Must we trade insults? I would expect better from the ones who managed to best every one of my challenges.

Those 'challenges' are half the reason I don't want to even bother talking to you anymore, you know.

Putting that aside...this is something of an event, is it not? It has been an age since we last met, after all...Joshua Astray, Black Fang of Ouroboros.

...It has, hasn't it?

I'll admit, I was surprised YOU would support Weissmann's plan.

Hah. Well. Putting anything else aside, I am here out of...curiosity.

This land of Liberl possesses a mysterious sort of dignity, wouldn't you agree? In the people, the land, even the air.

I simply wished to discern if this dignity is real. For, when faced with disaster, it should shine forth all the greater.


In some ways, you're more like Weissmann than I thought, I guess.

Haha! What I seek is beauty, in all its forms. The good professor's goals are...somewhat different. I should think that you, above all others, would understand that.


Ah, and my darling princess has come as well. May I assume that means you shall accept my adoration?
Now's your chance, Kloe! Tell him he's just too nice!

Unfortunately...I fear I cannot live up to your expectations.

If I were truly noble, I would not...hesitate so. I shall have to give an answer when I return to the Arseille.

I...I dread that moment.
Turns out Kloe is the one who's too nice. Oh well.



HA-HA! Ahhhh! Yes! That fear! O shining proof of nobility! O radiant wings which will not deign to touch the disgusting insects crawling in the mud!


Balancing Clowns--assault archaisms!

Now! Show me! Show me that radiance as it brings light to this shadowed land!
-Fateful Confrontation-


Bleublanc will conjure up illusory clones. Any attack against a clone will have no effect, but whoops! If the real thing already has any debuffs or arts-targeting on him, he'll still stand out.

Any damage to the real Bleublanc will dispel his clones.

There's nowhere to run!
I might waste Grail Sphere sometimes, but at least I've still got Earth Wall.

The clowns can impede, but their damage is low and they're subject to AT-Delay so they aren't very dangerous.

I'll bring you a fitting end!

Now...die beautifully!

Hahahahahaha! Farewell!
Kloe would have dropped if not for that Earth Wall. Death Magic is pretty nasty. At least it's only single-target.

How do you like this?
-The Enforcers-

Perhaps it is time we get properly serious, th--

-Engaged People in Secret Maneuvers-

Heeey! It's all back to normal!

Hm, it seems my role has come to an end for now. Nothing for it, then. I suppose I shall withdraw.


Wait, please!

Haha! Ah, I expected it of the princess, but you bracers also shine with a certain nobility. When next we meet, I shall take the full measure of your radiance. Well, then, everyone...Adieu!


It's even larger than the other new models.

I'm glad the tower's back to normal, and all...but what was he trying to do with this thing?

All the mechanical junk up here's stopped working again, looks like.

Thaaaat's definitely not ominous, y'know?

And that barrier that was covering the tower's crown until a moment ago...What WAS that, I wonder?


Regardless, the tower has been returned to normal. We should return to the Arseille for now.

Yeah, we should discuss this with Professor Russell.
-Tetracyclic Tower-

I see, I see. Sounds as if quite a lot happened.

Anyway, Professor, we thought you should have the Beta.

Oh, also! We found this in the tower.
Estelle handed over the crystal she found.

Ohhh...This is a memory crystal! The ancient orbal cultures used these to store information.

The information inside it seemed...damaged, somehow. Is there a way to restore it?

Damaged? Hmm.

The crystal itself seems to be circuit-imprinted septium, just like a 'normal' quartz crystal. It may take a while, but I'm reasonably sure I can make the Capel read it.

Could you do that, then?

Of course! Leave it to me.
Trust Professor Russell to have already mastered the CD-ROM(Crystal Doohickey: Random Orbal Malarkey).

So. Beyond that...whatever-it-is in front of the tower doors is something you're calling the 'shadow tower.'

Hmmmmmmmmm...I should have gone myself.

Umm, Grandpaaaa...

We've been calling it 'shadow,' but I think it might be the actual form of the towers.

That is, as the components of the second seal on the Aureole.

I kinda want to be relieved that it's all back to 'normal,' but...yeah.

What's got me really worried is that they got the machines at the top workin', and now they're stopped again.

Mmmm. True.

One way or another, we can't leave the society to do what it wants.

We have to get to the next tower as soon as we can!

Julia. Do we have ANY information on the other towers?

We did just get an update from the scout squad sent toward Carnelia Tower.

They reported a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses entering the tower.


That 'Direwolf' guy. Damn.

Walter? Mmm...

Finally. A chance to meet him head on.


Estelle. Joshua. I'm sorry to impose, but I'm coming with you into Carnelia Tower.